Every App Trick in The Book
In this issue:
Every App Trick in The Book - Ian Barker
When Delphi Reaches The Cloud! - Dion Mai
Visualize Data From FireDAC on Maps With Delphi And TMS FNC Maps\
- Dr. Holger Flick
Every App Trick in The Book - Ian Barker
Ian Barker takes us through an avalanche of all the tricks, techniques, and best practices you can use in your apps to make them behave properly, look amazing, and include all the modern features users have come to expect.
When Delphi Reaches The Cloud! - Dion Mai
Let's apply serverless! Hands-on application of serverless(FaaS) with Delphi and Azure. Witch side can Delphi be used? Can it be both? Let's build one function from scratch to deploy with Dion Mai.
Visualize Data From FireDAC on Maps With Delphi And TMS FNC Maps
A picture says more than a thousand words. Delphi with FireDAC is known for easy data access for various platforms and database management systems and delivering with great charting components.
With TMS FNC Maps, you open up the cross-platform, cross-service mapping world to visualize your data on maps!
Dr. Holger Flick shows you how to easily display information on maps. In particular, clustering of map markers will be featured.
The contents of this blog, including the photos, originally appears on the Embarcadero Email: Every App Trick in The Book.
All credits goes to its respective owners.